also known as color themes
The overall look & feel of base layers (name, job title, fullscreen message...) comes from a Base Design. A base design can have one or more style variants or themes. This depends on the developer of the template. As an example, a template may have variants such as "a light theme" and "a dark theme" or something similar.
The app comes with two base designs by default and they have variants as follows
STARTER -base design
ZEBRA (or BLACK AND WHITE) -base design
The app comes with two base designs by default and they have variants as follows
STARTER -base design
- Red -variant
- Green -variant
- Blue -variant
- Custom color (Pro users only)
ZEBRA (or BLACK AND WHITE) -base design
- Normal colors -variant
- Inverted colors -variant
SPX Graphics for Zoom enterprise users can have customized, branded Base Designs and their variants following corporate identity guidelines, colors, fonts, logos and animations as needed. Please read more about Branded Base Designs.