How to make a file executable

Linux and Mac installations

SPX Team

Last Update 3 months ago

The issue

When a prebuilt binary version of SPX is downloaded and extracted to the target, installation directory, it is likely the Linux or Mac operating system does not recognize SPX program as an "executable" file.

On Mac, the file may open in a Text editor once double-clicked.

This issue is not present on the Windows operating system nor the source code version of SPX on any supported operating system.

The fix

Mac and Linux operating systems both have chmod -command available.  (See for more info.)

On Linux:

  1. Open a shell console
  2. Navigate to your SPX directory with cd command, such as
    cd /myApps/spxgc/
  3. Add the executable permission to the SPX program file with
    sudo chmod +x SPX_linux64
  4. Run the application with

On a Mac:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Navigate to your SPX directory with cd command, such as
    cd /myApps/spxgc/
  3. Add the executable permission to the SPX program file with
    sudo chmod +x SPX_macos64
  4. Run the application from the Terminal with

Please note: on a Mac there is another issue to take care of. Read KB article: Files generated to a wrong folder on a Mac

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