"SPX Graphics for Zoom" vs "SPX Graphics Controller"

What are the similarities and differences

SPX Graphics for Zoom is a Zoom App, that runs as a web app inside a desktop Zoom client for creating graphics and overlays in Zoom meetings. The SPX Graphics Controller on the other hand is typically running locally as an application and uses the filesystem and other local computer resources..

Application featureSPXSPX for Zoom
Software licenseOpen Source, MIT-licenseProprietary
EnvironmentDesktop (PC, Mac, Linux)Zoom Desktop Client
Cloud applicationCan be virtualizedFull web app
Can I create my own templates?Yes, installed to the local filesystemNot yourself.
PriceFreeFree version with animated, occasional watermark. The pro version does not have a watermark and enables more customization, such as using own logos.
Projects and rundownsUnlimitedNone. Up to 10 graphics available in the UI
SPX StoreTemplates, template packs, and extensions are availableTwo product categories: "Base Designs" and "Additional Templates"
Graphics outputHTML source for compatible switchersZoom client's camera view
External controlsAPIKeyboard shortcuts for enabling and disabling Base Layers
Data sourcesManual entry, API, feeds, files, databases, social, spreadsheets, etcManual entry, Zoom API

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