SPX Social licensing

SPX Social extension can run in two modes:

DEMO MODE When SPX Social is run without a valid license, it will run in "demo mode" with restricted features. For instance, you can only load up to 5 incoming messages and a pop-up message is shown periodically to notify you of the demo mode. See the image below.

LICENSED MODE When SPX Social is purchased and a license string is generated the extension will run in the "licensed mode" with all features enabled. A single SPX Social license covers usage of the app on up to 10 different host computers.

Get SPX Social by contacting us
Read more about installing SPX Social.

Installing license

We will need your SPX HOST-ID to be able to provide a license. You can see your SPX HOST-ID by going to http://localhost:5656/api/v1, it's located at the top of the page, see the below picture.

After purchasing and installing SPX Social extension, contact us directly and send in your HOST-ID and the Store Order Number for the SPX Social license to remove usage restrictions. The license is added to the software by editing social_config.json -file and by adding the valid license string there.

Please note: SPX Social requires SPX version 1.1.1 or newer.

Fore more information see article on SPX Social installation and usage.

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