Upgrading SPX versions

Things to keep in mind when migrating to a new version

SPX has been designed so you can have several versions at the same time. This makes it possible to test new versions in parallel with the old version being used for production.

SPX installation folder

SPX and all its files are within the installation folder. You can have several SPX servers and versions on the same machine as long as they are in their own root folders, such as
  • C:/
    • SPX_1_1_2
    • SPX_1_1_3
    • SPX_1_2_0


A fresh SPX package does not come with a config.json file and it will be generated at the first startup.

The config file uses factory default values when generated. Whenever you want to reset software settings to their defaults you can shut down SPX, delete the config.json file and restart the SPX server and the config file will be generated again.

Note, if the SPX root folder is moved to another location on the hard drive after the config file has been generated, it will not work as expected, as this file contains absolute file paths.


ASSETS -folder contains all templates, plugins and commonly used media files such as images.
DATAROOT -folder contains all your SPX projects and all rundowns of those projects.

Once a new version is installed (or unzipped) you can copy all old projects and templates and media files from the old folders to their new corresponding locations. 

Please note the "official" templates and plugins by SPX Graphics that come with SPX may have been updated between versions so usually it is recommended to use the latest versions. NOTE! You may have altered the original files yourself so pay attention to these changes so you don't accidentally delete them.

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